Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Rainy Day Oneshot No.2: In the Clouds

                The cloud hangs over the city, shrouding it with its damp shadow. I watch the tiny ants of people, milling around, looking for a place to avoid the heavy rain that was beating down on them. I laugh from my place up in the cloud, watching them shiver against the cold that I had already conquered. I hug my knees close to my chest as I sit in my bed deep inside the cloud. How I got to the cloud I do not know; I had found myself in the solitary bed, on the heavy cloud from the start of my existence. My only entertainment is watching the little people living their days avoiding the droplets under small umbrellas and prodigious buildings alike. I laugh at their helplessness, their petty fright of the cold, and their constant search for warmth while I sit in my solid bed, immersed in the chill and forever unable to feel the heat of the earth or the sun.
                I cannot leave my bed in fear of falling through to the ground but I am always watching the tiny people travel from place to place in metal machines, constantly wiping away at their drenched windows. As I rest in my small island up in the clouds, I laugh at the people’s endless need to move around. I enjoy their feeble attempts to break through the downpour and relish their dismay when they realize that they are stuck inside. I laugh and laugh in the bed I cannot leave, embracing my superiority over the tiny creatures that cannot fight the strength of the cloud I sit upon.
                On the cloud I slowly crawl through life, the wind blowing me across old oceans and into new land where I can watch the flickering lights bounce off my cloud and shine back into their lives. Even through the night, people are constantly talking, chatting through invisible wires, vocalizing their own thoughts. I scoff at their never-ending crave to interact, their inability to enjoy their lives without others. I grasp into the cloud unable to feel anything but my own body and feel a twinge in my chest – proof that I know how to live out my own life devoid of anyone else. The wind pushes my cloud through the sky as I lay on my bed and revel in life, happily alone.
                The more places we travel to, the lighter my cloud gets. My fear of falling grows stronger by the minute as I see the ground more and more clearly. The bed under me becomes increasingly unstable and I hold tight to the frame in hopes I would not get tossed over. This continued for ages until finally the clouds broke apart and I fell. After a second into my descent, my fear evaporates. I see the inferior people grow bigger than I ever imagined, their eyes wide staring at the girl who is falling from the sky. The warmth radiating from the ground and the sun reaches me for the first time and thaws my frozen body. The exhilaration of leaving my bed for the first time grasps my mind and I scream in joy. “Look at me!” I shout, communicating with others for the first time as the twinge grasps hold of my heart and pumps it full of the relief of being heard. In the few seconds before I hit the ground, I feel everything at once. For the first time in my life I feel truly and utterly alive.

- That Weird Girl

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